En présence de Denis Savary, Sandro Aguilar, Soren Thilo Funder et Knut Asdam. View online : World Press Photo Multimedia contest Sodec, Programme daide aux artistes en arts visuels Nouvel accrochage des collections, MRAC-Musée Régional dArt Contemporain, Sérignan Sol Astrid Giraldo a Colombian art critic wrote about Supervivencias The land cannot be tranquil in the wake of sacrifices: It is a restless land, plowed by presences as much as it is by absences, limited not only by physical boundaries of blood and fire but by invisible ones as well, of added terrors and secrets. Such is the land of war, which wont fit in with pacifier narratives. How can it be named then? How can it be made visible.In Supervivencias a house emerges with its atavistic symbolism in full display: doors opening and closing, corridors leading who knows where inscrutable nooks and corners. Then, finally, an invasion of ghostly, overflowing presences, The ancestral house, the sheltering one, the dwelling and the refuge is now ridden with porosities that cannot curb the exterior pressure. 2011 Un archipel Module-Palais de Tokyo Paris Commissariat : Daria de Beauvais Bousculer les idées reçues, Annie Zimmermann, Urbanisme, nov 2005 2008-2007 : University Paris 6 : Computing, Sciences and Musicology degree. Un Festival, cest trop court-compétition Expérience ; Nice, France -10 000 participants sur lensemble de la manifestation First Citizen House of the Deaf Man opens in a small room, where a therapist is in consultation with a young man. Through the use of hypnosis, the young man is experiencing a manipulation of his unconscious motivation. A feeling of debt is implanted in him through psycho-suggestion. First Citizen House of the Deaf Man proposes the idea that the indebtedness of the citizen is not only a causality of a flawed economic system, but also the last relation that connects the citizen to a community. The only sure way to be part of any power relation is to enter the creditordebtor relationship. Debt might hence be something that the citizen uncontiously desires-as the only means of experiencing community. First Citizen House of the Deaf Man paints an awry portrait of the indebted man with a little help from Goyas painting Duel with Cudgels. 2011 Study based on the movie by the Anthropological Department of the Mackenzie University, Sao Paolo, BR Rencontres Internationales Berlin Paris Madrid andescaracas.edu.ve 2003 : Festival ParisBerlin, Paris février Berlin octobre 2012 Master, cinema contemporary art, Le Fresnoy Jury honours, Tourcoing, France.
La mer secrète, Museum of Modern Art, Onomichi, Japan, curated by Pascal Beausse 032015 Exploring Photography, Thames Hudson et SHS publishing, Londres GB 2017-FILE ELECTRONIC LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL, SÃO PAULO, BRÉSIL EXPOSITION COLLECTIVE
Attentat contre un bâtiment français aux Pays-Bas,, 4 janvier 1996 Other very important shows in their career are Art Basel Unlimited, MAXXI and MACRO Museum in Rome and the 53. Venice Biennial Of Art. Other museums such the Center for Contemporary Art Uajzdowsky Castle in Warsaw, the CCCB Centro de Cultura Contemporanea in Barcelona, the DA2 Museum in Salamanca, Castello di Rivoli Museo darte contemporanea in Turin, the OK Offenes Kulturhaus in Linz, the Tel Aviv Art Museum and the Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria hosted in the past years their artworks. Bourse dexcellence Pierre Péladeau, Université du Québec à Montréal. En présence des cinéastes Cédrick Eymenier et Érik Bullot Paris Taipei, Fine Arts School of Taipei, Taipei, TW Cinémathèque de Grenoble, En montage avec Claire Atherton, Grenoble, France.