I did not say this, but that type of arrangement has been.. Ils la tr aitai ent de prostituée et lui attr ibuaient.. However, it is difficult for sex workers and their clients to engage legall y i n prostitution. FrenchLes recherches indiquent également que des fillettes de 10 ans ont été contraintes de se prostituer. Vente d enfan ts, l a prostitution d es en fants et la pornographie.. Niquer coucher, faire lamour to Fuck, to get laid, slang word for to have sex, to make love Le mot anglais du jour : Daily words to boost your vocabulary herstory Word of the Day : Definitions for herstory : noun: History as seen from a womans point of view, one that doesnt obscure womens role. Nouveau dictionnaire de poche, français-anglais anglais-français-Thomas Nugent-Google Books Tas de la flotte, jai trop soif. Youve got water, Im so thirsty. Poor women from rural areas were lured to the city and forced into prostitution. Pimp Pimp pĭmp, n Cf. F. Pimpant smart, sparkish; perh. Akin to piper to pipe, formerly also, to excel Cf. Pipe. One who provides gratification for the lust of others; a procurer; a pander Swift. Elle est trop chelou cette fille This girl is so weird. FrenchLe principal objectif est dempêcher les enfants dêtre amenés à se prostituer. Anyone who, by coercion or by taking advantage of a situation of need,.. Feel free to add slang word I missed in the comment, I am always keen to learn knew words, and it can also help other French learners. Even if you are not from France, but a French speaker from Quebec or Louisiana for example, it would be nice to learn from you.