I was at the Civic Hall last night as a white paper had been put through regarding the Managed Approach in Holbeck.I was absolutely appalled at the lies From Angela Gabriel.According to her the MA is doing well which is a lie,it would be interesting to know where she heard that rubbish.I will be honest I shouted from the gallery Liar Liar to her.She also mentioned did anyone have a plan B if it closed,my plan B would be to move the Red Light where all the Labour Cllr live spread it around so they can have a share each.They wouldnt want to see Used Condoms Used Needles Used Tampax and every other sort of litter on their doorsteps.I am absolutely disgusted that the Labour Councillors dont want it closing when they know damn well that children in school uniform or not are being approached by dirty perverts and paedophils,one asked a grandmother if he could have her 3 month old grandson for an hour and he would bring him back to her.If Leeds Labour Councillors can let this happen to children and have no conscience about it especially the women Cllr then they have no place on the Council.Is Angela Gabriel waiting for a catastrophe to happen before they close it.Nobody has controled sex workers for thousands of years but Arch Angel Gabriel must have a magic wand.The MA attracts punters perverts,drug dealers and any other sort of creep from miles around did they not think that this would happen.Now the councillors are letting all these lowest of the low to do as they please on our streets.The residents in Holbeck are in a living Hell nobody knows unless they live here,but the Labour Councillors seem to think they know more than us.Please dont vote for labour in the next local elections as when building starts in the Red Light it will have to be moved and You could be next on their list. Pour résoudre ce problème, des membres du conseil municipal, Alexander Hammelburg du parti de centre gauche et Femke Roosma de la, envisagent une nouvelle politique visant à augmenter le nombre de permis au-delà du quartier rouge. Une sélection personnalisée des articles de Slate tous les matins dans votre boîte mail. I was sitting in the corner to the right of me and a group.. Inscrivez-vous avec une adresse email Votre pays Sabonner à notre newsletter mensuelle Recevoir des offres de nos partenaires soigneusement sélectionnés Créer un compte et sinscrire à notre newsletter comme effi ca ce p our le s canards d e ngra isse ment. Derrière la porte-fenêtre, une femme sourit, la main sur la poignée, prête à ouvrir. Elle ne porte pour tout vêtement quun string et un soutien-gorge noirs. Une lumière qui colore sa peau en rose. Elle referme la porte, tire un lourd rideau, et le brouhaha des curieux qui se pressent dehors séteint soudain. En-GB Julie Henry, Arrests made in second Rochdale sex grooming scandal, The Telegraph, 12 mai 2012, consulté le 26 août 2018
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